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SQL Scripts


NO Image:
Clear all page level skins in a Portal update {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Tabs set skinsrc=null where SkinSrc is not null and PortalID=0   ...

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Posted in: DNN, SQL Scripts
CREATE FUNCTION GIBS_GetProfileElement ( @userID as int, @portalID as int, @ProfilePropertyName as nvarchar(100) ) RETURNS nvarchar(4000) AS BEGIN ...

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UPDATE PortalSettings SET SettingValue = 'False' WHERE SettingName = 'EnablePopUps' DNN Popup Windows
Posted in: DNN, SQL Scripts
UPDATE YourTable SET YourColumn = RTRIM(LTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(YourColumn, CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), '')))
Posted in: SQL Scripts
-- Used this great tool (https://github.com/FabioParigi/NBrightBuyMigrate ) but ran into a problem with images -- Create a SP to verify the old string...

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Posted in: SQL Scripts
SELECT        UserID, Username, FirstName, LastName, IsSuperUser, AffiliateId, Email, DisplayName, UpdatePassword, ...

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DNN Users
Posted in: DNN, SQL Scripts
  (SELECT [Value] FROM Lists where EntryID = (SELECT PropertyValue FROM UserProfile WHERE UserId = U.UserId AND PropertyDefinitionID = (SELECT P...

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DNN Region Lookup
Declare @PortalId int; Set @PortalId = 0; SELECT 'OwnerFirstName' = U.FirstName, 'OwnerLastName' = U.LastName, 'OwnerEmail' = U.Email , (SEL...

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DNN Region Lookup SQL
Posted in: DNN, SQL Scripts
I had a need for getting a property details for a SSR report and came up with the following store procedure  . . . I thought it might be useful t...

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Ventrian Property Agent
Select ISNULL(NULLIF(GIBS_FBLineItems.ReportType, ''), '--Undefined--') as ReportType from GIBS_FBLineItems SQL
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